Friday, February 10, 2012

Itching to get started!!

I hate waiting to get started on new adventures! Like a kid waiting for Christmas or enduring the slow countdown to a fantastic vacation, I can't wait for the day to hurry up and get here so I can begin working on my new teaching career! Unfortunately patience is not one of my strong points when it comes to exciting endeavors.

I have completed about all the prep work I can, including getting my transcripts and SAT scores sent in, enrolling in our local community college and getting set up for the Praxis II exams that I will need to take. But I feel like I haven't actually been able to get started yet on my new career. Similar to Billy Crystal in "When Harry Met Sally," now that I know what I want to do with my life, I want the rest of my life to start right now!

In the meantime, to keep myself busy, I thought I would update everyone (I actually have some followers--WOO HOO!) on what my timeline looks right now so that y'all can keep up with me:

**As of today--I've ordered my transcripts and SAT scores, enrolled in the community college to take 15 credit hours to pull my GPA up some from college (unfortunately I had a little too much fun while getting my degree in my younger days, thus my less than stellar GPA) and I've gotten set up for my Praxis II exams (0543-Mild to Moderate Disabilities and 0511-Fundamentals).

**Within the next week--I am going to find the Praxis II exam study books and begin studying for my big tests

**March 12th--Mini-Mester classes begin at community college. I'm taking 3 classes for 9 credit hours all online so that I can work them around my schedule of substitute teaching, coaching volleyball, studying for my Praxis exams and my Thirty-One business (WHEW--think I have enough on my plate?!)

**April 28th--Praxis II exams day! Mark this day down on your calendars--I'll need extra specials prayers that day! I want to take it early enough so that if I don't pass one of the sections, I can retake it over the summer.

**May 7th--Mini-mester ends--3 classes down, 2 to go!!

**May 21st--Summer session classes begin--just 2 online classes (6 credit hours) this time. This is also my 30th birthday! Who would have thought I would be changing careers at 30?! Not me, that's for sure, but so happy that it's happening!!

**June 7th--Last day of school for High Schoolers! I know this doesn't have anything to do with my education and teaching career, but it will be the end of my year as a substitute and we will definitely miss the graduating class! They are such a great group of kids!

**July 30th--Last day of summer session!! 15 credit hours--DONE!!

**July 31st--I plan to have an appointment set up that day at the RALC (Regional Alternative Licensing Centers) to meet with the director with my SAT scores, transcripts, Praxis II scores and community college grades and get set up for Lateral Entry teaching!!

I hope to have a job lined up by then or at least be able to get one within the next week or so after my classes end. The thing with EC around our area...there's always openings! I would really love to be able to work at the school I've been substituting at this year, but will take what job is offered to me.

I've got an exciting few months coming up and I'm so excited to have this blog now so that I can share the ups and downs with y'all! Now if March 12th will just hurry up and get here!!! :-)

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